10 Reasons to Eat a Healthy Breakfast

It is being said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and is especially compulsory for those who are on a diet, contrary to popular misconception. So even if you are craving for those extra few minutes of sleep or have to rush to work, try and have a healthy breakfast rather than skipping it and hogging during lunch time. The following are the 10 most important reasons why one should eat a healthy breakfast:

10 Reasons to Eat a Healthy Breakfast

  1. What a healthy breakfast does is that it provides your body with enough nutrients to keep it energized for hours. This energy helps you perform your chores, helps you during work and even if you skip lunch, breakfast continues to fuel your body.
  2. Studies have shown that people who eat a healthy breakfast tend to consume more vitamins, minerals, more fiber and less quantity of fat and cholesterol.
  3. As opposed to common belief, people eating a healthy breakfast tend to consume fewer calories than those who skip their breakfast and eat more food to make up for the absence of breakfast. This is definitely a reason to have a healthy and nutritious breakfast.
  4. According to American heart association, people who eat breakfast are many times less likely to develop diabetes than those who don’t.
  5. Another reason why eating a healthy breakfast is important is the fact that people who eat breakfast are less likely to gain weight than those who skip this meal. This is again due to the fact that skipping breakfast may result in a lot of hogging during the remaining part of the day.
  6. People who have breakfast are more focused and productive throughout the day than those who don’t. In fact having breakfast improves concentration level according to the studies performed by American Dietetic Association.
  7. According to experts, eating breakfast also improves memory and sharpens memory. According to a study, college students who ate breakfast scored 22% higher in a word-recall examination than those students who did not have breakfast.
  8. One who eats breakfast is more energetic and fitter than those who don’t. These individuals tend to take part in more of physical activities as compared to those who skip this meal.
  9. Skipping breakfast may make one feel tired, bored and even sad.
  10. Eating breakfast can help in reducing stress levels and may prepare a person for the remaining part of the day.