How Many Calories in Butter Chicken

There are a number of methods used to prepare butter chicken. However, whichever recipe you use butter chicken tastes scrumptious and also brings with it a large number of calories. The calorie content in a few preparations of butter chicken available from some of the popular brands is mentioned in detail in this article.

Bremer prepares delicious butter chicken. Half a container of butter chicken (weighing around 340 grams) available from this brand contains a total of 490 calories. Out of these 490 calories 50% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 33% calories come from fat and the remaining 17% come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal serving of Bremer’s butter chicken is 18 grams, protein content in it is 21 grams and carbohydrate content in it is 61 grams.


 Each container of butter chicken (weighing around 255 grams) available from Eating Right contains a total of 260 calories. Out of these 260 calories 53% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 27% calories come from proteins and 20% come from fat.

Half a cup of butter chicken available from Cuisine Solutions (weighing around 140 grams) contains 160 calories. Out of these 160 calories 55% of the calories come from proteins, 40% calories come from fat and the remaining 5% come from carbohydrates.

Lemon butter chicken also tastes scrumptious. One pouch of Bon Appetit’s lemon butter chicken weighing around 328 grams contains a total of 410 calories of which 50% of the calories come from fat, 28% are obtained from carbohydrates and the remaining 22% come from proteins.


Butter chicken curry paste tastes delicious too. One fourth package serving of butter chicken curry paste (weighing around 25 grams) available from Kitchens of India contains a total of 60 calories of which 49% of the calories come from fat, 36% calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 15% come from proteins.