How Many Calories in a Caramel Apple

Caramel Apple tastes scrumptious; it is a hot favourite especially amongst the kids. There are different caramel apple preparations available from a number of brands and the calorie content in each of these is different.

A single caramel apple available from Happy Apples’ contains a total of 290 calories out of which 59% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 35% calories come from fat and the remaining 6% calories come from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in it is 42 grams, fat content in it is 11 grams and protein content is 4 grams.

Caramel Apple Calories


A single caramel apple serving available from Tastee Apple contains a total of 160 calories out of which 76% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 21% calories come from fat and the remaining 3% calories are obtained from protein. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of Tastee Apple Caramel Apple is 25 grams, fat content in it is 3 grams and protein content is 1 gram.

Kroger’s Caramel Apple Dip is also scrumptious. Two tablespoons of this caramel apple dip contain as many as 100 calories of which 96% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates and the remaining 4% calories come from proteins. It contains 25 grams of carbohydrate content and 1 gram of protein content.

One caramel apple pop serving available from Tootsie Roll contains a total of 60 calories of which 93% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates and the remaining 7% calories come from fat. The total carbohydrate content in it is 15 grams and fat content in it is 0.5 gram.

The delicious caramel apple wrap available from Concord Foods is another well liked caramel apple preparation. One caramel apple wrap available from this brand contains 150 calories out of which 70% of the calories are obtained from carbohydrates, 24% come from fat and the remaining 6% calories are obtained from proteins.