How Many Calories in Grilled Chicken

Grilled chicken contains good nutritional value and also tastes scrumptious. However, it also comes with some amount of calories. A medium grilled chicken piece contains a total of 147 calories. Out of these 147 calories 53% calories come from fat and 47% calories come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal serving of grilled chicken is 836 grams and protein content in it is 16.79 grams.

One thin slice of grilled chicken contains around 17 calories, a medium grilled chicken slice has 33 calories, a thick grilled chicken slice contains a total of 50 calories, one oz of grilled chicken with bone has 28 calories and 1 oz of boneless grilled chicken has a total of 67 calories.


There are a number of grilled chicken preparations that one may go for. Each of these tastes as good. Most people prefer having commercially prepared grilled chicken. The calorie content in each of these is different. Each serving of flame skinless grilled chicken breast available at El Pollo Loco contains 179 calories out of which 80% of the calories come from proteins and the remaining 20% calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of flame skinless grilled chicken breast is 4 grams and protein content in it is 35 grams. One patty serving of grilled chicken breast fillets prepared at Great Value contains a total of 130 calories. Out of these 130 calories 61% calories come from fat, 39% calories come from proteins and none of it is obtained from carbohydrates.

Market Pantry’s grilled chicken strips fajita is also quite popular. A 3 oz serving of grilled chicken strips fajita prepared by Market Pantry contains 120 calories. Out of these 120 calories as many as 64% calories come from protein, 19% calories come from fat and 17% calories are obtained from carbohydrates.