How Many Calories in Chili Soup

Chili soups appeal especially to those who love spicy food. There is a wide variety of chili soup available at different restaurants and the number of calories in each of these is different. Below mentioned is the calorie content and nutritional value of few of the scrumptious chili soup preparations available at different food joints.

One bowl serving of Italian chili soup available at Carino’s Italian Restaurant contains a total of 246 calories of which 44% of the calories come from fat, 38% calories come from carbohydrates and the remaining 18% comes from proteins. The total carbohydrate content in an equal serving of chili soup is 23 grams, fat content in it is 12 grams and protein content is 11 grams.


George’s chili soup available from Culver’s contains a total of 336 calories of which 47% of the calories come from fats, 32% come from carbohydrates and the remaining 21% come from proteins. It contains a total carbohydrate content of 27 grams and 18 grams each of proteins and fats.

Fantastic Food prepares yummy Cha Cha chili soup. One serving of this Cha Cha chili soup contains a total of 220 calories of which 67% of the calories are derived from carbohydrates, 25% calories come from proteins and the remaining 8% come from fats. The total fat content in an equal serving of this chili soup is 2 grams, protein content in it is 14 grams and carbohydrate content in it is 37 grams.

Chili beef soup is also quite popular. Each cup of canned and condensed chili beef soup contains a total of 339 calories of which 51% of the calories come from carbohydrates, 35% calories come from fats and the remaining 14% calories come from proteins. The total fat content in an equal serving of this chili soup preparation is 13.23 grams, protein content in it is 13.39 grams and carbohydrate content in it is 42.95 grams.