How many Calories in Green Juice

Green juice is regarded as one of the most nutritious diet available. The calories content in the juice is just suitable for the body and the fact that it contains 0% of fats; make the juice one of its kind. Green juice is one juice recommended by all and provides huge amount of energy. The calories content in green juice is approximately 130g in every bottle of 16oz green juice. The juice has 0& of saturated fat and cholesterol, which assures that you can relax about any ill effects. As far as the nutrition content is considered it contains 10% vitamin A and 20% of vitamin C.

Calories in Green Juice
Calories in Green Juice


A bottle of green juice is said to be extremely healthy for your bones as it contains 10% of calcium content. It is because of this fact only that it is said to be a must for all children of growing age. Regular intake of green juice not only helps their body to grow but also make their bones strong. The nutrition content in the green juice makes it one of the healthiest diets available.  A lot of doctors prescribe patients to have this juice. Not only it is high in nutritional content but it is also improvises the immune system of the body thus keeping it healthy.

Green juice is extremely beneficial in strengthening the immune system. A bottle of green juice contains 4% of iron content. Apart from this it also provides approximately 31g of carbohydrates which keeps the body healthy also through a bottle of green juice you get enough salt in the form of sodium and potassium content.  The overall benefits of the juice are plenty and not only provide required calorie content but at the same time it provides all sorts of required nutritional content for the body.