How Many Calories in Java Plum

Java Plum which is known for its medicinal benefits also comes with some amount of calories. One cup serving of raw java plum contains 81 calories. It contains 0.311 grams of fat content, 18.9 mg of sodium content, total carbohydrate content of 21.006 gram and 0.972 gram of protein. An equal serving of raw java plum contains 4.05 IU vitamin A, 19.305 mg vitamin C, 25.65 mg calcium and 0.257 mg iron.

Java Plum Calories

100 grams of raw java plum contains around 60 calories. It contains 0.23 gram of total fat content, 0.72 gram of protein, 14mg sodium, 15.56 gram of carbohydrate, 0.19 mg of iron, 19 mg calcium, 14.3 mg vitamin C and 3 IU vitamin A. Consuming 3 java plum fruit weighing approximately 9 grams would mean taking in 5.4 calories. The total fat content in an equal number of average sized java plum fruit is 0.021 gram, sodium content is 1.26 mg, total carbohydrate content is 1.4 grams, protein content is 0.065 gram, vitamin A content is 0.27 IU, vitamin C content is 1.287 mg, iron content is 0.017 mg and calcium content is 1.71 mg.

Apart from consuming raw java plum, many people also prefer consuming it in juiced form. The juiced form of java plum offers a number of medicinal benefits; it is especially recommended to those suffering from diabetes. The number of calories that you take in on consuming java plum juice is different as compared to consuming raw whole java plum fruit. The calorie content in java plum juice may also vary based on the ingredients added to it. Java plum seeds also have good nutritional value and contain some calorie content.

You may also go for java plum flavoured custards, smoothies and puddings. The calorie content in each of these differs based on the other ingredients they include.