How Many Calories in Kumquat

The calorie content in Kumquat varies based on its serving size. A low fat fruit, kumquat is preferred raw by most people. There are 17.9 calories in 1 oz of raw kumquat. Out of these 17.9 calories just 0.26 calories come from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of raw kumquat is 0.028 grams of which 0.004 gram is saturated fat content, 0.0068 gram is polyunsaturated fat content and 0.0037 gram is monounsaturated fat content. The sodium content in an equal serving of kumquat is 1.7 mg, potassium content is 55.3 mg, carbohydrate content is 4.7 gram, dietary fiber content is 1.9 grams and protein content is 0.26 grams. Kumquat also contains some amount of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium and phosphorus.

Kumqua Calories

One raw kumquat contains around 12 calories out of which 0.17 calories come from fat. The total fat content in it is 0.019 gram out of which 0.0027 gram is saturated fat content, 0.0046 gram is polyunsaturated fat content and 0.0025 gram is monounsaturated fat content. The sodium content in a raw kumquat is 1.1 mg, potassium content is 37 mg, carbohydrate content is 3.1 grams, dietary fiber content is 1.3 grams and protein content is 0.17 gram. While 1 gram of kumquat contains around 0.63 calories of which a mere 0.009 calories come from fat.

Besides its low fat content kumquat is also popular because it is a rich source of vitamin C. Those consuming kumquat in order to take in vitamin C content must understand that around 80% of this vitamin in kumquat is obtained from its peel. Kumquat with peel also has a greater number of calories as compared to kumquat without the peel. Consuming kumquat helps in fighting against various health problems and it is thus recommended to include it in your diet.