How Many Calories in Lomo Saltado

Lomo Saltado is known for its high calorie content as well as its delicious taste. Like various other food items, Lomo Saltado can also be prepared using different recipes. The number of calories and other nutritional value in it would obviously depend upon the ingredients used and the method of preparation.

One fourth cup of Lomo Saltado prepared using its standard recipe contains as many as 511 calories out of which 260 calories are obtained from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of this Lomo Saltado preparation is 28.9 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 38 grams, protein content in it is 26.6 grams, sodium content in it is 270 mg, potassium content is 1140 mg and cholesterol content in it 75 mg. Lomo Saltado is extremely rich in vitamin C and contains a good amount of iron and vitamin A content.


211.3 grams serving of Lomo Saltado contains a total of 212 calories out of which 86% of the calories come from fat. The total fat content in it is 9.5 grams of which 2.8 grams is saturated fat content. It contains cholesterol content of 67 mg, sodium content of 595 mg, carbohydrate content of 6.5 grams, dietary fiber content of 1.7 grams, sugar content of 3.6 grams and protein content of 24.3 grams.

Peruvian Stirfry Lomo Saltado is also quite popular. A 4 oz serving of this Lomo Saltado preparation contains a total of 251 calories. Out of these 251 calories 41.4% of the calories come from fat, 30.6% calories come from proteins and 28% calories come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in an equal serving of Peruvian Stirfry Lomo Saltado is 11.6 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 17.7 grams, dietary fiber content is 2.3 grams, sugar content is 3.4 grams and protein content in it is 19.3 grams.