How Many Calories in Pomegranate Tea

Pomegranate tea is a kind of a tea which has got the flavor of pomegranates and also contains black tea. This tea is considered really good for the healthy due to the presence of pomegranate extracts and is also quite widely liked by many people. Many companies manufacture pomegranate tea and the number of calories present in a particular variety of pomegranate tea might differ from that of the other variety. If you are interested in knowing other nutritional related information about pomegranate tea, then please read the following given part of the article:

Calories in Pomegranate Tea

Honest Tea is a famous company which makes many varieties of tea. One such flavor of tea which is manufactured by this company is the pomegranate tea flavor. 8 fl oz of this tea from Honest Tea contains 40 calories. Out of these 40 calories, 3% of the calories are present as a result of presence of total carbohydrates.

Another company which makes and sells pomegranate tea is POM.  8 oz of this pomegranate tea manufactured by POM contains 70 calories. As far as the nutritional value of this tea is concerned, it has been given a nutrition grade C. out of the 70 calories, 1% of the calories come from sodium and 6% of the calories come from total carbohydrates. The fact that this tea contains very little quantity of sodium is a positive thing about POM pomegranate tea.  But the presence of large quantity of sugar in this tea is a negative feature.

Snapple is another popular brand which makes many beverages including tea. This company also manufactures pomegranate tea, 1 serving of which contains 80 calories. Out of these 80 calories, 6% of the calories have been contributed by the presence of total carbohydrates.  The large quantity of sugar present in this tea makes is slightly unhealthy.