How Many Calories in Wax Jambu

Wax Jumbu is low in calories and it is because of this factor that it is preferred by many. It also tastes good and contains a number of micronutrients which are good for health. You may consume it in its raw form and also enjoy its other forms such as wax jumbu smoothie, wax jumbu juice, etc. The calorie content in Wax Jumbu varies to some extent based on its serving size and also on its form.

3.5 oz of raw wax jumbu contains 25 calories out of which only 3 calories are obtained from fat. Wax Jumbu is not only low in calories but also has a very low fat content. The total fat content in an equal serving of raw wax jumbu is 0.3 gram, total carbohydrate content is 5.7 grams, protein content is 0.6 gram, calcium content is 29 mg and potassium content is 123 mg.

Wax Jambu Calories

One oz of raw wax jumbu contains around 7 calories out of which just one calorie comes from fat. The total fat content in an equal quantity of wax jumbu is 0.1 gram, total carbohydrate content in it is 1.6 grams and protein content is 0.2 gram. It also contains calcium and potassium which is 8.2 mg and 34.9 mg respectively.

Raw wax jumbu certainly tastes delicious and also provides a number of health benefits however, you may also consume wax jumbu juices or wax jumbu smoothies which are even more tasteful. The calorie content in wax jumbu juice is also quite low and it is considered as an energy booster. However, the calorie content in it may vary based on the number of wax jumbu used in its preparation and also the other ingredients such as salt, pepper, sugar or lemon which are added to it in order to enhance its taste. Wax jumbu smoothie which is quite delicious comes with a number of calories.