How Many Calories in Pheasant Breast

Pheasant breast contains good nutritional value but also comes with a number of calories. The calorie content in pheasant breast varies based on its method of preparation and also the serving size.

Each unit of ready to eat pheasant breast meat contains a total of 225 calories. Out of this 78% of the calories come from proteins and 22% calories come from fat. None of the calories in it come from carbohydrates. The total fat content in an equal serving of similarly prepared pheasant breast meat contains a total of 5.49 grams consisting of 1.85 grams of saturated fat content, 0.93 grams of polyunsaturated fat content and 1.75 grams of monounsaturated fat content. The total cholesterol content in it is 98 mg, potassium content in it is 409 mg, sodium content is 56 mg and protein content in it is 41.19 grams. It also contains a good amount of vitamin C, vitamin A and iron.

Pheasant Breast Calories

One oz of this ready to eat pheasant breast meat has a total of 38 calories, 100 grams contains 1 133 grams and 1 Ib contains 603 grams.

Out of the 38 calories in one oz of ready to eat pheasant breast meat only 30 calories are obtained from proteins and the remaining 8 calories come from fats. The total fat content in it is 0.92 grams consisting of 0.312 grams of saturated fat content, 0.156 grams of polyunsaturated fat content and 0.295 grams of monounsaturated fat content. The total cholesterol content in it is 16 mg, sodium content is 9 mg, potassium content in it is 69 mg and protein content is 6.9 grams.

100 grams of pheasant breast meat contains a total of 133 calories out of which 104 calories come from proteins and the remaining 29 calories come from fat. The total fat content in it is 3.25 grams consisting of 1.1 grams of saturated fat content, 0.55 gram of polyunsaturated fat content and 1.04 grams of monounsaturated fat content.