How Many Calories in a Veggie Burger

Veggie Burgers taste scrumptious but also come with a good number of calories. Preparing Veggie Burger does not cause much of a hassle so you may consume veggie burgers prepared at home. Commercially prepared veggie burgers also quite tasteful however, these may contain greater number of fat content as well as calories. The number of calories in different serving sizes of veggie burgers is given in detail in this article.

One pattie of veggie burger contains a total of 124 calories. Out of these 124 calories 36% of the calories are obtained from proteins and 32% each from fat and carbohydrates. The total fat content in an equal serving of veggie burger is 4.41 grams, cholesterol content in it is 4 mg, sodium content in it is 398 mg, potassium content is 233 mg, carbohydrate content in it is 9.99 grams and protein content in it is 10.99 grams.


 One oz of veggie burger prepared in a similar manner contains a total of 50 calories. Out of these 50 calories 16 calories are obtained from fat. The total fat content in an equal serving of veggie burger is 1.79 grams, total protein content in it is 4.45 grams, sodium content is 161 mg and potassium content in it is 94 mg. Consuming veggie burger would also increase your cholesterol level to some extent. One oz of veggie burger contains 1 mg cholesterol content. The total carbohydrate content in it is 4.05 grams consisting of 1.4 grams of dietary fiber content and 0.3 grams of sugar content. It also contains some amount of vitamin C content, iron, calcium and a number of other essential minerals and vitamins.

On consuming 100 grams of veggie burger you are likely to take in a total of 177 calories. The total fat content in it is 6.3 grams, carbohydrate content in it is 14.27 grams and protein content is 15.7 grams.